The editing process doesn’t have to be a mystery.
Every manuscript needs an editor.
Congratulations on finishing your manuscript! But, is it really finished? Does your murder mystery need more tension? Does your horror story need more bite? Or, perhaps, do you simply need corrections for style, grammar, and spelling?
My name is Megan Crittenden, and I created Locked Room Editing Services to help writers polish their manuscripts, whether it’s flash fiction or a full-length novel. Why “Locked Room”? Because I love editing mysteries, thrillers, and horror most of all. I also love science fiction and fantasy, and anything that blurs the lines between genres.
I am experienced with working with novice writers, and I approach editing with empathy and expertise. Your work is your pride and joy, and my mission is to make sure your style is preserved. If your manuscript is a garden, my job is to prune and weed so your beautiful prose stands out and blooms.
Check out the Services page for an explanation of the kinds of editing I offer, and use the Contact page to get in touch!